I write here out of desperation, as I don’t seem to be able get any response in other channels. Stack Alignment is underdeveloped! It is not usable for Alignment engineers due to simple problem with rendering data. I opened up tickets with support, addressed it during the training session with developers and all I am hearing: “Leadership decides what to develop”. Last time, I brought this topic they “develop” tile organization in customer success but fail to fix basic functionality of the product as advertised.
Every training session, LCI speaks about customer success and how we as MSP need to develop strategy, budget etc to help our clients achieve their success, however ScalePad sound like ignores the same approach when it comes to us - ScalePad clients, LifeCycle Insights clients.
Can we be reimbursed for paying for the module for the last year while it’s not working?
If I am the only one who has the problem, why no one tells me so. Or am I the only one to use the products as it was designed?
What else can I do help get attention to our needs and help resolve them?
I like this platform too much to drop it just yet and have not given up hope but disappointment grows every time I look at Stack Alignment and apologize to my engineers. It grows every time I see new “alfa” feature in CS while the old one is still broken.