
ControlMap Adds New Audit Enhancements

 Preparing for and completing audits of frameworks and controls requires meticulous planning and execution. ControlMap has upgraded the audit experience in-app to further streamline the process and eliminate more tedious tasks from the to-do list with internal audits, jumpstart expansions, evidence exports, and updated vendor reports. What’s new?Internal AuditsMSPs and their clients can now perform an internal audit based on either frameworks or controls. Previously, audits were limited to third-parties, but we’ve provided the ability to perform this internally for a framework or a control set. This offers MSPs and their clients the following benefits:Complete a thorough self-assessment – MSPs are able to do a self-assessment to allow them to self-attest compliance for certain security standards such as CIS Controls, NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF), and GDPR. The internal audit provides a thorough process to ensure no details are missed.Maximize audit readiness – Prior to a pricey third-party audit, MSPs and their clients are able to perform their own internal audit to benchmark their compliance status. They can identify security or areas for improvement and position themselves for success by addressing key issues before initiating the formal audit. Thorough preparation leads to a streamlined audit that saves the MSP time liaising with the auditor, as well as providing additional evidence or clarity around evidence and controls.  Not every MSP or client requires a third-party audit based on the organization, vertical, and compliance goals. While compliance with a certain standard may be the goal for many businesses, all organizations strive to improve their security operations. An internal audit helps support organizations earlier in their compliance journey to strengthen their security posture by identifying potential gaps and addressing them. The internal audit feature also allows MSPs and their clients to perform robust self-assessments to ensure they meet the required standards and guidelines of frameworks that rely on self-assessment. It documents evidence of assessment (or audit) history, risks, evidence, and more that can be referenced as required in their industry. Cross-mapping and Jumpstart ExpansionMany organizations need to satisfy the compliance requirements across multiple frameworks. ControlMap helps streamline the process by cross-mapping frameworks to identify common items required for assessment. Jumpstarts apply matching evidence to other frameworks to reduce the amount of labor. Support for the following jumpstarts is now available:NYDFS → SOC 2, NIST CSF 2, CIS V8 CIS v8 → ISO 27001 2022, CJIS Evidence ExportFor CMMC compliance audits, auditors require submission of all evidence of compliance. With a single click of a button, ControlMap users can export all evidence required by auditors including:A logical folder structure that includes all files and metadata; A spreadsheet with a description of all evidence, including when it was created and by whom.MSPs no longer have to cobble together and create an audit-friendly file & folder structure anymore – this is all automated to streamline the audit preparation process and remove friction from the audit itself. While developed particularly with CMMC in mind, the evidence export is useful across all compliance frameworks as it creates an evidence record that can be archived and accessed if required.  Vendor ReportsA key piece of compliance is tracking risks associated with vendors that have access to any sensitive information or data. Ad hoc export of vendor data had been possible, but ControlMap has now added the ability to schedule and save vendor reports. These reports are audit-ready making preparation for a third-party audit effortless – no more struggling to format excel sheets or word documents.  Get started now.Automation is the best friend of an MSP – it eliminates tedious manual work. With the latest enhancements to the audit experience, ControlMap will put hours back in your team’s day. Log in to ControlMap to start enjoying an enhanced audit experience. 

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Cognition360 July 2024 Updated Reports

TL;DR: What’s New For Cognition360?Cognition360 has released enhancements to four reports that provide your MSP with improved analysis of your operations and financial measures, including updates to two core reports. Just like the set of reports we updated in March, however, you have to ask for them to get them. Let’s take a quick look at each of the new-and-improved reports and see exactly what’s new and improved.  Which four reports exactly?Here’s the list: Opportunity Dashboard (core report) Agreement Renewals Report (core report) Service Profitability Report (add-on) Ticket Daily Stats (add-on) You might not be using all of these reports now, but they’re all well worth a second look.  I’m interested… how do I actually get access?The Cognition360 Support team’s got what you need. If you know exactly what you want, you can fill in this form and request to have the reports you want updated to the latest version. Next step, you’re in and using them. What’s new-and-improved in each of these four reports?The official word from our Product team is that “these improvements will improve customer retention, enhance your quality of life, and empower you to make more informed and strategic business decisions.”  Are we over-promising? I’d sure like to enhance the quality of my life. Read on to learn more about each; you be the judge. Opportunity DashboardYes, we just updated this a few months ago, but it’s even better now.  Opportunity Dashboard The Opportunity Dashboard now shows the latest conversion stage with the latest conversion value. This will help avoid any confusion, as it will only show the latest stage and value instead of multiple conversion stages with different values. Feedback was that the granularity of multiple conversion stages was more trouble than it was worth. Agreement Renewals ReportThe report now uses the actual last invoiced amount to improve accuracy.  Agreement Renewals Report The enhancement to the Agreement Renewals Report improves it to use the actual last invoiced amount as renewal amount instead of amount of the agreement. This better represents true renewal values, as the actual amount can be different from agreement amount. This allows you to see the effects of discounts or deals – how much are your clients actually being charged? Service Profitability ReportThe Service Profitability Report has been updated with ticket summary, board, and billability status. Service Profitability Report The report itself has been updated to display Invoice Details with a ticket summary. Scroll to the right, and you’ll see  an at-a-glance overview of each ticket, and the ability to sort by which board tickets were assigned to – another way to look at cost/profit/margin by ticket on each service board. A "Is Ticket Billable" filter has also been added, allowing you to filter out ticketed-but-non-billable work that you may choose not to include in your profitability reporting. This allows you to maintain best practices of tracking all work with tickets and time entries without distorting your margin measures; for example, when team members may be assigned to non-revenue internal projects. Ticket Daily StatsThree enhancements have been made to Ticket Daily Stats: Identify the ticket contact and submitter Average age of tickets Ticket owners can now see resolved tickets Ticket Daily Stats – Ticket Details showing Contact for each ticket Want to see right from the Ticket Daily Stats report who’s been sending in tickets and get a hold of them for follow up? Contact is now listed right there. Ticket Daily Stats – Tickets Resolved showing average ticket age The Tickets Resolved page now displays the average age of resolved tickets and compares the average age of those resolved tickets by day, week, and month. The Ticket Age calculates the time elapsed between the ticket creation date and the resolution date.  Ticket Daily Stats – new Ticket Owner | Ticket Resolved page A new page, Ticket Owner | Ticket Resolved, allows a ticket owner to see all their resolved tickets, regardless of who actually resolved them. Perfect for when you’re coming back from summer vacation and you want to know who to thank for closing out some tough ones.Wrapping It All UpSpeaking of summer, we’ll have more updated reports at the end of it. Please use the form to request any of these that interest you, and keep your eyes peeled for more enhancements to Cognition360.  Not a Cognition360 partner yet? Join us for a personalized demo, or check out this quick overview here. We’d love to help you unlock your ConnectWise PSA data to make better decisions and grow a more profitable MSP business. 

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Announcing Client Engagement for Lifecycle Manager

The heart of Lifecycle Manager has always been client engagement: whether you use it for warranty lookups, IT asset monitoring, or QBR preparation, it's about providing the best experience for the people you serve. That's why we're thrilled to announce the launch of the new Lifecycle Manager for Client Engagement. It's everything you love about Lifecycle Manager, with new features and enhancements to help you create, communicate, and deliver strategic client care with the ease of automation.  Updated Features Roadmaps: New filter controls let you customize the level of detail included in Roadmap PDFs, giving you more flexibility to personalize communication with clients.  To help you move quickly to respond to evolving client needs, we've removed multi-quarter scheduling and added the ability to plot out projects on Roadmaps for up to five years in advance. Initiatives: We've added an account-wide view of all Initiatives for all clients to give you a visual overview of projects in your pipeline.  Also, Initiatives are now downloadable as PDFs, so you can create and send proposals in a few clicks. Roadmaps + Initiatives: To save you even more clicks in delivering elevated client care, we've added Initiatives to the Roadmaps tab.  New Client DashboardThe new simplified menu gives you easier access to client engagement features.  We've also reorganized the display of the client page, prioritizing features that focus on client interactions so you have at-a-glance awareness at the client level. New Features Action Items: In the client view of Lifecycle Manager, you can create and manage tasks using Action Items, which integrates with ConnectWise Manage to turn these action items into PSA tickets.  Notes: Alongside Action Items, you can also type and organize meeting notes into a date-tracked note box. Account Team & Key Contacts:  Another addition to the client view is an area to set contact details for the corresponding client, including names, roles, and email addresses. Standardizing your workflows for client engagement encourages more frequent and accessible communication, which builds trust and reinforces your position as a strategic partner. We're thrilled to lead the way for MSP client engagement and look forward to hearing what our Partners think about this exciting new direction.  Want to learn more about Client Engagement? Read more about our newest release here!

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ScalePad adds Microsoft Surface PCs to Workstation Assurance

ScalePad now supports Microsoft Surface PCs as part of our Workstation Assurance extended warranty service inside Lifecycle Manager. Coverage for Surface devices is in high demand by Partners for their clients, and is initially available in the United States.“The ability to offer Workstation Assurance as a service for Microsoft Surface devices is a huge win for our Partners,” said Dan Wensley, CEO of ScalePad. “The MSP community has asked us to add support for Surfaces — we’ve listened, and our team worked to make it happen. Adding coverage for Surface devices to Workstation Assurance provides our Partners with an additional  multi-million dollar revenue opportunity and increased value to  clients.”As clients transition from traditional desktop workstations to mobile devices like Microsoft Surface PCs and pricier AI laptops, MSPs have sought ways to protect their clients’ investments. Adding protection for Surface PCs to ScalePad’s Workstation Assurance service closes a potential gap for MSPs and their clients.ScalePad’s Workstation Assurance product solves three challenges for MSPs: complete protection and replacement for client devices, streamlined in-app warranty procurement and service requests, and the opportunity to generate revenue beyond device replacement. Workstation Assurance includes accidental damage protection, and with the addition of Microsoft, it now protects devices from over a dozen different OEMs. Support for Surface PCs in Workstation Assurance is only available in the United States at this time. Click here to go to Lifecycle Manager, find a client with Surface PCs, and give it a try!

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Beneath the Iceberg: How We Built Custom Hardware Reports

Special thanks to Matthew Kipp, Engineering Team Lead of Lifecycle Manager for co-authoring this article with me. In December, we released Custom Hardware Reports to Lifecycle Manager, empowering partners with fine-grained options to highlight what matters in their reporting. The reception was overwhelmingly positive! Our most impactful changes often originate from our partners, and this was one of those instances. MSPs took the time to submit the idea via our product idea submission process, so we decided to take it on. Building Custom Hardware ReportsFor us, software development is about building excellent products as a creative team, not executing a set of requirements like a factory. When considering a product idea, our process looks like this:Identify the root problem: What’s the root of the problem, what are MSPs really looking for with this idea? Assess our constraints: How long should we be willing to invest in this? What are must-haves, should-haves, and nice-to-haves? Brainstorm: What solutions could we build that meet these constraints? This is not done by one person, but is rather a dynamic process including Product, Engineering, and Design. By working together we can decide on a path forward that meets the best tradeoffs for each role — the best experience, the lowest complexity, and the highest value for partners. In Custom Hardware Reports, we decided that it’s worth investing the time to include a number of elements that would make the experience powerful for partners — advanced filtering & sorting, column selection, and templates to reuse configurations across clients.Custom report scheduling, including custom parameters, sorting, and configurable columns. We knew how much this mattered to partners, so we decided to accept the cost of building a system that would encompass all of those needs. But to make this happen we didn’t build everything imaginable. For example, in the first version you cannot edit and remove templates — you can only save new ones. As a result, we were able to deliver a useful feature without getting lost in the rabbit holes of attempting to build perfection. That said, if you want us to add more advanced template management, feel free to submit a product idea and we may take it on! The Art of Software DesignIn the design stage, the Product team will tend to focus on the functional requirements, whereas Engineering needs to focus on “non-functional requirements,” or quality attributes of the system being developed. At this point we often do “spikes” — timeboxed tasks where we assess the existing system, design required changes, and prototype to feel out a certain approach. In spiking our solution for Custom Hardware Reports, we saw that our solution would require scalability as a non-functional requirement. With thousands of paying Lifecycle Manager partners, each with many clients, we estimated our solution would need to support at least tens of thousands of reports being sent in a timely manner on the 1st business day of every month. To address this, we decided on a solution that relies on us replicating / caching our asset data to a NoSQL database which is explicitly designed to support quick reads. As a result, we knew we could process the custom filters and sorting each report would require at scale without much trouble. We Code with AI!Once we’ve planned out our work, we’ll have a clearer picture of the solution, ETA, bottlenecks, and tasks. At this point, we are able to divide the work and begin coding. It’s worth highlighting that AI has changed the way we code significantly. As one example, we use GitHub Copilot daily in the process of development, and it has allowed us to code more efficiently and effectively. We can’t yet plug a full task into a GPT and expect a good result, let alone a feature. Due to hallucinations, AI is not yet effective for delicate tasks such as refactoring, which involves carefully restructuring existing code without altering its external behavior. That said, sometimes GPTs can save hours of frustration. To help us create custom scheduled reports, we prompted AI with queries about formatting crons for our scheduling, data modeling suggestions, and admittedly, how to center a <div> HTML element with CSS (you try it!). We’re optimistic about AI because the trendline we see indicates that it will not replace us, but rather it will help us iterate faster and focus more on higher-level concerns that require creative thinking. Let’s make sure it actually works right…It’s great to ship new features, but if they are buggy, incomplete, or break randomly we may have actually created more harm than good. To mitigate this, we have a number of processes in place: Code quality checks — Each code change is batched into a pull request and peer-reviewed. This often catches a majority of bugs and ensures the code meets our standards. Automated regression testing — We write automated tests that check if systems are acting according to expectations before code gets shipped. This includes standard unit/integration tests, simulating a user via an emulated browser, static application security testing, and other techniques. Manual testing — We often run manual checks in intermediary environments prior to a release to production. We also run beta testing in some cases with a subset of partners to ensure new functionality is working as expected. Production monitoring — Finally, in the worst-case scenario, if a bug sneaks into production we have monitoring and alerts set up. That way, we can notice something’s amiss proactively and send out a fix as quickly as possible.Community-based developmentIn the end, we’ve found that the most important part of our internal product development process is not the code, but the very human process of collaboration. Without that, decision-making is imbalanced — the bias of a limited perspective would lead us to invest too much or too little in some area. It’s the same thing with external product ideas. We know that our perspective is limited, and that it’s only in partnership with our community that we can most effectively equip MSPs on their road to success. So, we’d love to hear from you. Whether you're embarking on your journey with ScalePad or have been with us through many milestones, we’re all ears for your ideas. Let’s shape the future together. Submit product ideas here.

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ControlMap Release Notes (March 2024)

• New Framework: NIST CSF 2.0March 6th, 2024ControlMap now supports NIST CSF 2.0. As the first major update to the framework since 2014, NIST CSF 2.0 takes cybersecurity compliance to the next level with the addition of the Govern core function. In addition, revisions to the framework have made it applicable to organizations of any size as well, supporting compliance programs of any maturity level.• Breach Secure Now - IntegrationMarch 18th, 2024Within ControlMap, MSPs can now integrate with Breach Secure Now, a cybersecurity training platform. This allows MSPs to assess completed security training across their clients and map training status to compliance controls. See Integration with Breach Secure Now for more details.• Duo Security - IntegrationMarch 4th, 2024With the Duo Security integration, ControlMap users gain the ability to seamlessly sync employee data from Duo Security directly into ControlMap. This includes essential security data such as MFA status, enabling MSPs to map the data to compliance controls. See Connecting to DUO for more details.• New Framework: HIPAA Privacy RuleMarch 18th, 2024This framework provides federal standards to safeguard the privacy of personal health information and gives patients an array of rights concerning that information, including the right to examine and obtain a copy of their health records and to request corrections.• New Framework: Breach Notification RuleMarch 18th, 2024HIPAA's Breach Notification Rule requires covered entities to notify patients when their unsecured protected health information (PHI) is impermissibly used or disclosed—or “breached”—in a way that compromises the privacy and security of the PHI. See Integration with Breach Secure Now for more details.• Activity LogsMarch 18th, 2024Many cybersecurity frameworks, including NIST CSF 2.0 and CMMC 2.0, require tracking activities throughout the compliance journey. Now, within ControlMap, admins can view "Activity Logs", a list of tracked activities within the platform. This includes anything that is created (such as an asset), updated (such as a status update), imported (such as a framework), or deleted (such as a policy).

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Seven Enhanced Reports

TL;DR: What’s New For Cognition360? Cognition360 has released 7 enhanced reports that provide your MSP with improved analysis of your operations and financial measures, leading to improved efficiency and profitability… but you have to ask for them to get them.Let’s take a quick look at each of the new-and-improved reports. Which 7 reports exactly?Here’s the list:Agreement Cross Sell Report Products Received Not Invoiced Report Products Sold Report Opportunity Dashboard Getting Started Report Sales Pipeline Report Ticket SLA InsightsYou might not be using these reports now, but they’re well worth a second look.I’m interested… how do I actually get access?The Cognition360 Support team’s got what you need. If you know exactly what you want, you can fill in this form and request to have the report you want updated to the latest version. Next step, you’re in and using them.What’s new-and-improved in each of these 7 reports?Some are small tweaks, like added filters, while others have entirely new pages added to them. Read on to learn more about each.Agreement Cross Sell ReportYou’ll see two changes here: an additional page called ‘Addition (Qty)’, and the validation of summary quantity.Agreement Cross Sell ReportAs you look to cross-sell new products to your clients, you want to know not only which products have been sold through the agreement but also quantities of each product sold. By including product quantities, you have a more accurate depiction of exactly what has been purchased through the Agreement.Fill in this form and request to have the report you want updated to the latest version.Products Received Not Invoiced ReportA new filter enables inclusion or exclusion of Product Classes, which allows you to identify if specific products have been invoiced or not.Products Received Not Invoiced ReportSay your MSP has received the latest invoice from a vendor, and you want to cross-reference the number of products you are being billed for against the number of products you will be invoicing your clients for. Now you have an easy way to do just that.Fill in this form and request to have the report you want updated to the latest version.Products Sold ReportNot one, not two, but three updates here. First, this update improves the performance of the Products Sold Report. If that wasn’t enough, we’ve added data validation for products sold on Opportunities, Sales Orders, Projects and Tickets. And last but not least, we’ve added a filter for ‘Site’.Product Source data validationGenerating the report quicker – think it’s obvious why you’d want that – and the selectable data validation field lets you only see what you want to see.‘Site’ filter highlighted‘Site’ filter: if your MSP has multiple sites, like an East Coast office and a Midwest office, this new filter option presents products sold by site instead of only to clients in total. This way, you could see the sales split between the two site locations to compare performance.Fill in this form and request to have the report you want updated to the latest version.Opportunity DashboardHere we’ve added a new page called 'Sales Rep Summary'. Sales Rep Summary shows won opportunities per rep by month. This includes total and Lifetime NRR and MRR as well as profit and margin percentages for the current month, the previous month, and YTD:Opportunity DashboardSales Rep Summary better presents the key closed opportunity sales performance metrics of each of your MSP’s sales reps by month. This enables more in-depth review and analysis of month-over-month sales. It’s excellent for improving performance – coach for improvement, and celebrate the wins.Fill in this form and request to have the report you want updated to the latest version.Getting Started ReportThe updated Getting Started Report adds a new page 'Product Release Notes', which gives you a direct link to the ScalePad Community Product Updates page, where you can find out about future releases… like this one!Getting Started ReportPerhaps we should have put this at the top of the list as it’s a place to get started… 🤔. At any rate, use this handy mailto: link to get access, and never miss another update, as you’ll find them all on our Community site.Sales Pipeline ReportHere we’ve added a new field called 'Manufacturer' which, as the name suggests, permits viewing revenue info by OEM.Sales Pipeline ReportWhy might you want this? Perhaps you’re looking to deprecate an existing OEM’s product you had been selling to your clients. This new field will show the potential impact on upcoming or forecasted sales if you decide to deprecate that manufacturer's product(s), and point out where you may need to spend a little extra time to ensure those sales move to the alternative you are selling instead.Fill in this form and request to have the report you want updated to the latest version.Ticket SLA InsightsSaving the best for last, we have added a new page, called 'Technician Metrics', as an enhancement to the 'Technician' page on Ticket SLA Insights.'Technician Metrics' shows the SLA Response, Resplan and Resolved values only where the selected Technician were responsible for each of those actions. The visuals on the 'Technician' page shows all values where the selected technician closed the ticket (regardless of which technician was responsible for the other stages of the ticket).Technician pageTechnician Metrics pageMeasuring your team’s technicians’ outputs is a key component to a successful MSP practice. For a service delivery manager, being able to review specific technicians’ SLA response times and resolution notes can be a valuable aid in cross-training new technicians and an important management tool. Fill in this form and request to have the report you want updated to the latest version. Hope you see a lot of value in the work we’ve done to enhance these reports, and watch this Community Product Updates space for future upgrades!

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