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Hello everyone! As the Client Business Reviews are approaching for my MSP, I wanted to ask if anyone could share their experience and tips with using Lifecycle Insights in these meetings. We have only had Lifecycle Insights since the Fall of 2023 and have gone through one round of Client Business Reviews in that time. LCI is designed to be used during customer-facing meetings, and I would be grateful if any MSPs could share their tips or best practices for using LCI in this context.

A few questions I would love feedback on:

  1. What topics do you usually cover in Client Business Reviews?
  2. Which subjects do you cover in every meeting and which ones do you avoid?
  3. How do you incorporate LCI during the meeting?
  4. Do you have any best practices that you use during the meeting?

@Amanda.comstock thanks for getting the conversation going! 


I am not our POC internally for running QBRs, though I used to be one and deployed LCI. We have a little over 100 questions that follow a quarterly rhythm. Conversation starters tend to be very business oriented to drive client involvement. Understand about their business, their competition, their annual initiatives/quarterly rocks or key metrics. Too technical and key executives start missing meetings. If you use a management framework like ScalingUp or Traction, some of that content help.

While the power of LCI is having all the data, I believe we generate the report, have it there, but only selectively go thru it to support discussion. We tend to have internal quarterly focuses where perhaps we focus more on various BC/DR issues in Q1, maybe data cleanup in Q2 and cyber in Q3. If you try to focus on everything all the time, you sometimes do not get as deep as needed.

The 2 main best practices our team talks about is the meeting recap and strategy.
1) Within a day after meeting, summarize key WWW items and get to client, get tickets created so we aren’t just talking, but doing.
2) Technology roadmap. You have a plan in writing but figure out a way to visually represent an entire year of strategy to your client, maybe rolling year of last quarter successes and next 9 months.
