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In our weekly User Group Workshops, we explore different strategies to help you build a better business review. This weeks focus is around captivating your audience with tips on how to keep their attention focused on you.

I saw this chart the other day. This shows the attention span of Owners/Decision Makers during a business review (black line) and your typical presentation (green line).




Capturing the attention of owners and clients during a business review can be tough, but with the right approach, you can turn your presentation into a powerful, engaging conversation. Here are some strategies that our User Group Workshop came up with:


1. Start with a Clear Agenda: Outline the key points you will cover and stick to it. This helps set expectations and keeps the meeting focused.


2. Use Visual Aids: Incorporate charts, graphs, and slides to illustrate your points. Visuals can make complex data more digestible and maintain interest.


3. Tell a Story: Frame your data and insights within a narrative. Stories are more engaging and memorable than raw data.



4. Interactive Elements: Encourage questions and discussions throughout the review. This keeps the audience engaged and makes the session more dynamic.


5. Highlight Key Takeaways: Summarize the most important points at the end of each section and at the conclusion of the review. This reinforces the main messages.


6. Keep it Concise: Avoid overloading your audience with too much information. Focus on the most critical data and insights.


7. Use Real-Life Examples: Relate your points to real-world scenarios that are relevant to your audience. This makes the information more relatable and impactful.


8. Engage with Technology: Utilize tools like interactive dashboards or live polling to make the session more interactive and engaging.


9. Breaks and Refreshments: If the review is lengthy, schedule short breaks to keep everyone refreshed and attentive.



10. Follow-Up: Provide a summary or key points after the meeting. This helps reinforce the information and shows that you value their time and input.


Which of these have you implemented and which strategies do you think would be most effective for your next business review?


This week in our LCI User Group Workshop, I get to create a business review through our Report Builder that would turn the Business Review presentation on its head. Come join us.


You can register for our next session HERE!


In today’s world, it is so hard to capture people’s attention. I think you nailed it with your suggestions here! For me, storytelling still holds such a strong place in effective presentation-making or any kind of content creation activity. Adding some breaks into any presentation also helps me stay refreshed and still before my mind begins to wander off. 

Thanks for sharing Mark!

Great suggestions I plan to implement in my own presentations! Thanks for sharing!!!
