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Anyone able to share how you remove a client and the associated assets?  I believe I have looked all over but just can not see how you remove a client and or assets.  

I ran into this issue as well. According to my findings they rely on the item to be deleted/disabled from the source. My guess is that since they are just a reporting tool, they do not want to be manipulating data. The request here would be for better filtering of data you want to bring in vs. don’t want to bring in. I will put a feature request in for this - it has been on my mind. 

Posted here - as a question on accident - asked them to change to an idea: 



We should be able to delete clients and assets, right now our instance is cluttered with many previous clients and it is annoying to see them all the time. 

We should be able to delete clients and assets, right now our instance is cluttered with many previous clients and it is annoying to see them all the time. 

Right now they rely on the following method: 

  1. Identify the integration source that the item is coming from. 
  2. See if the integration has additional filters that can be used to avoid syncing undesired items. 
  3. If no filtering options available, log into the integration source and disable/deactivate item from the source. 
  4. Run another sync and the items will be gone. 

    An easy work around to save time would be to have the ability to “hide” undesired synced items that cannot be filtered out by said Scalepad integration. 

We are using ConnectWise Manage (PSA) as the source for companies, and the integration is set to only sync certain company types. However companies in ScalePad do not drop off once those company types are changed in CW PSA. For example, company types of “Approved” or “Customer” are only supposed to sync, and company types of “Former Client” or “Not Approved” should not… however it seems once a company is synced from the source, it will not drop off no matter what the company type is set to. The worst part is that we can’t hide or delete the company in ScalePad at all. 

Hi David,

Firstly, double check CW PSA is your only integration. There’s no “primary” integration in Lifecycle Manager. If you also have documentation or RMM integrated and the company is active in there, then it will sync across.

If not that, then it’s quite possible in your CW your workflow is adding a Company Type rather than replacing it. This would mean we’re still seeing, say, “Approved” or “Customer” alongside the new addition of status “Former Client” or “Not Approved”. If a company truly only has the one type assigned, and that type is set not to sync across, there’s no reason that client should be in Lifecycle Manager. 

Double check the above, if I’m wrong then there’s something amiss and I’d ask that you open up a ticket at for us to take a deeper look at your sync.

With regards to hiding, you can hide an asset, but not a client.

