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TL;DR: What’s New For Cognition360?

Spring is a time of growth and renewal, and the Cognition360 team has sprung into action release enhancements to four reports for Cognition360, providing your MSP with improved analysis of your operations and financial situation. Because we don’t just roll out updates willy-nilly, you have to ask for the reports to get them. A quick form fill and our Support team will have them in place for you.


Let’s jump in and take a quick look at each to see exactly what’s been enhanced.


Which four reports have been updated?

Here’s the spring list 🌸:


  1. Agreement Profitability 
  2. Invoice Payments
  3. Tickets KPI
  4. Ticket SLA Insights (report hasn’t changed; data model update only)


Agreement Profitability is where most of our partners start with Cognition360, and the others are key core reports as well.


Let’s dig into what’s new with each of these improved reports.


How does one access these updated reports?

The Cognition360 Support team kindly set up a request form (thanks again Marnel for setting this up so quick), as we’ve found it worked well the last couple updates we did.  Please fill in this form and request the reports you want to have updated to the latest version. 🧨💥and you’re in and using them.


What’s new-and-or-improved in each of these reports?

We’ll go through the four of these in detail below.


Did you take advantage of the last reports that we updated back in December? If you missed out, here’s the form to get the updates from December. You’ll want those ones too.


Agreement Profitability

There’s no way to tell how individual departments perform from an Agreement profit perspective… until now!

Agreement Profitability | Customer Agreement Profitability page – new Agreement Department filter

Adding a Department filter lets you get more granular with Agreement Profitability. Now you can get a more detailed look at exactly which departments may be under or over-performing. Depending on how you have your PSA set up, and how you organize your MSP, this could be useful information for managerial decision-making.


Invoice Payments Report

Cash flow is the lifeblood of every business, and we have a new filter that can help you identify potential cash flow challenges based on company type. We’ve added a Company Type filter to Invoice Payments report to filter Invoice and Payments by Company Type.

Invoice Payments Report | Invoices Paid page – new Company Type filter

If you have a lot of clients concentrated in particular industries, having a way to identify a potential issue with payment on your invoices based on what type of companies they are gives you very useful data that will let you take action. This new Company Type filter will make it easier for you to find Invoices for Customers that have a specific Company Type in use in just a few clicks. 


Tickets KPI Report

When reviewing ticket resolution metrics, it’s difficult to tell which tickets contributed to a client being either under or over-served from a ticket resolution point of view. It’s also a challenge to see which specific tickets were escalated and who the impacted customer was. We’ve added a new view and a new page to our Tickets KPI report to address these needs.

Tickets KPIs Report | Resolution Metric page – new drill-through functionality to the Ticket Details page

In the Ticket KPIs report, we added the drill-through functionality from the Resolution Metric page. This allows users to drill through to the Ticket Details page to check detailed ticket information. Should a particular ticket have been escalated –is your team following SOPs correctly, should you provide more training to lower-level techs to address those kinds of tickets, or is there “VIP” treatment going on that doesn’t align with your SLA? Get into the reasons why a ticket has been escalated, which allows you to make better decisions. 

Tickets KPIs Report | new Ticket Escalated page – see Escalated Tickets by Board and Customer

A new Ticket Escalated page shows Escalated Tickets by Board and Customer. The drill-through functionality is great at a detail level; this page gives you the bigger picture to find common issues.
Note: There is some assembly required for our Support Team to identify what a proper escalation means for your organization. If you’d like to track your escalations please send us a Support Request with your Escalation Process step-by-step so we can configure the report appropriately. 


Ticket SLA Insight Reports

Nothing specific to show here, but if you’d like Billable Hours added (for custom reporting, for example), we’re able to surface this in an updated data model.


Spring has (almost) sprung! 🌱

Hope you’ll find these improvements useful; please use the form to request any of these that interest you, and keep a sharp eye out for more enhancements to Cognition360. 


If you're already a partner, please check out this post and discuss it here on our Community site. We’d love to get your feedback, so add your comments below.


Not a Cognition360 partner yet? Join us for a personalized demo, or check out this quick overview here. We’d love to help you unlock insights hidden in  your ConnectWise PSA data so you can make better decisions and grow a more efficient and profitable MSP business.


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