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2024 MSP Trends Report Roundup

  • 22 February 2024
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2024 MSP Trends Report Roundup
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Hold on to your headsets… ScalePad’s 2024 MSP Trends Report is now live! 


On February 8th, we launched the highly anticipated MSP Trends Report, providing invaluable insights into the evolving landscape of Managed Service Providers (MSPs). ScalePad’s Content Writer and Author of the report, Evan Pappas, surveyed over 500+ MSPs across North America, compiling a report outlining the top trends for 2024 and what challenges MSPs see on the horizon. 


In this article, I skim through the top service trends and challenges for 2024. To take a deeper dive into the 2024 service trends and watch the MSP Trends Report Webinar, head to our report landing page.

Overall, our survey responders saw 2023 as a year of recovery, while 2024 looks like a year of growth across the industry. Many MSPs have expanded their services, which has required increased hiring. 


Throughout the results, the top trends were consistent with what we saw in 2023, showing that MSPs are interested in long-term improvements and dedicated to developing their business. 


Top 5 Service Trends:


  1. Cloud Services: Cloud Services are on the rise in 2024 and are a staple to potential growth. With almost every service having a cloud component, adopting cloud-based solutions to your business is the ticket to operational efficiency. 
  2. Cyber Security: With the increase of attacks from small to large businesses, cyber security is at the forefront of an MSP business. Investment in solid defense solutions and prioritizing security training is necessary in 2024.
  3. Backup Management: Managing backups can be a real pain and a considerable time waste for many MSPs, so, unsurprisingly, Backup Management landed at our number 3 spot. Finding solutions that keep you informed of critical data issues and safeguarding against potential data loss is the key to success in 2024.
  4. Network Management: Maintaining a pulse on devices in and out of the network allows you to address security vulnerabilities with your clients proactively. Network management and cloud services go hand in hand. As more services move to the cloud, the bigger the need to monitor and secure your network will be.
  5. Project Management: Our last service trend highlighted in the Trends Report is the need for project management in 2024. Not only do these tools increase communication between internal teams and clients, but they also allow you to manage your business better. Going beyond the technical service execution and moving into business management and efficiency projects.


What are some concerns and opportunities on the horizon for 2024?

  • External concerns like inflation and market volatility are top of mind with the MSPs we surveyed. Many are worried about how this will affect their business in 2024 after just recently recovering from the shift after COVID-19.
  • Internal concerns are top of mind for our survey responders. Measuring internal performance for employees while focusing on growth is a challenge many MSPs will have to work through in 2024. 
  • 21% of our survey respondents said that Compliance as a Service is the next ample opportunity for their business. 
  • Strategic planning with clients and defining a well-rounded business plan can help prepare you to think ahead and adjust to any curveballs thrown your way.


As technology advances and businesses evolve, MSPs must stay attuned to these trends to remain agile and competitive. This report is a valuable resource for navigating the ever-changing landscape of managed services, offering actionable insights to drive growth and success in 2024.


You can check out the 2024 MSP Trends Report and webinar recording through the link below.


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