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VSPC improvments

  • 5 September 2024
  • 1 reply

We have been using the beta integration for Veeam Service Provider Console since it was rebuilt a while back.
It's working fairly well, but there are a few issues preventing us from switching from email-based monitoring.

As noted on the beta integration setup/details page, there are a few types of Veeam jobs that are only supported via email parsing.
The three that are currently unsupported that we would really like to see are scale out repository offload/sync state, configuration backup, and health checks

Our more pressing concern is the fact that the VSPC does not seem to be correctly reporting when VMs are excluded from jobs.
Most of our Veeam/VMWare backup jobs are built using the vCenter or “Datacenter” object, with VMs excluded manually from the jobs.
This seems to result in jobs being created in Backup Radar for VMs that are excluded from the job in Veeam.

Are there any possible improvements for the above issues or are these just limitations of the VSPC API?

Hi Jason,

Thank you for your detailed feedback. We're planning to remove the 'beta' label from this integration soon and have been seeking input from partners like yourself on their experience and any areas for improvement. So, your feedback couldn't have come at a better time.

I'll be reviewing your comments more closely with the team this week and will reach out if I have any questions. Feel free to contact me directly at I'll follow up by the end of the week.

Thanks again,
